My Photos  Shugo Tokumaru
What’s that? You feel rotten? Down in the dumps? You feel like life is caving in all around you? You don’t know where to turn? Well my buddy, my chum, my pal… I don’t blame you. But hey now, there are steps you can take toward a sunnier, happier life, and one of them is to listen to this music—these toy pianos, ukuleles, steel drums, glockenspiels, accordions, strings and more; these sugary-sweet melodies, these upbeat poly-rhythms, these playful staccato patterns and floating acoustical musings. You can, and you will, smile. You’ll smile wide; ear-to-ear, goofy-looking, shit-eating grins, that’s what you’ll have. On his latest album Japanese multi-instrumentalist Shugo Tokumaru flexes his songwriting muscles to the max, creating an endlessly fun, gloriously upbeat and optimistic album of which you won’t understand a word. Take “Lahaha,” and “Rum Hee”—a one-two punch that represents the musical equivalent of laughter itself. To listen to Port Entropy is to know Shugo Tokumaru as the sweet, sensitive, effortlessly jubilant young man he likely is. He wants you to feel better, look outside at the gorgeous spring weather, go swimming, eat an ice cream cone, and above all love your life, because it is beautiful. Read full album review at

Shugo Tokumaru – Rum Hee

’Shugo Tokumaru – Rum Hee.mp3′
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