NLMGT/The Lights Label
Where Did It Go

As you slowly pull yourself out of your alcohol-induced slumber, throw on this tune from Lapland’s upcoming album, and realize that your hangover isn’t all that bad. The dreamy vocals from Josh Mease (Lapland) will soothe that throbbing headache you acquired from last night’s charades.

Born in a tiny half-bedroom in Brooklyn, this introverted songwriter has one of our most anticipated albums coming out soon. While we wait with bated breath, we’ll gladly enjoy the third single, showcasing Mease’s artfully-minded take on crafting breathtaking tunes. Harnessing pop structures, his glorious voice, and synth styling from the 60’s and 70’s, this dreamboat of a tune caresses you into another world, lazily taking you for a melodically pleasing Sunday journey.

Sit back, and enjoy this peach of a tune. It’ll soothe everything that ails you this Sunday morning.

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