I may have lied in my last post. This is the perfect way to cap off an excellent week of great material. Actually, I’m not even convinced that we’re done here given the amount of quality music that keeps streaming in by the hour. With SBTRKT currently working on his sophomore release, we’ve been given the opportunity to get a sneak peek of what to expect from the new project. According to the British producer, “IMO” is an unmixed/unmastered track from his recording sessions. That description seems somewhat daunting though, because if this is what his unmastered material sounds like, we have no idea what results to expect from his polished off releases. The hypnotic new single is compliment by equally stunning neon visuals which were crafted by Lorenzo Durantini. As excited as we are for this song, it does come with somber tidings, as this is dedicated to Jerome’s late brother, Daniel. Get lost in this breathtaking soundscape, and be on the lookout for