rich girl

We admittedly got really excited reading the title of this tune, thinking that it was a cover of one of our all time favorites, Hall and Oates. Once we figured out that it wasn’t a cover, we surprisingly weren’t disappointed. In fact, we found ourselves fully enveloped in the audibly delectable vocals of TOTEM.

We know it was forever ago in internet time, but a few months back we brought you a premiere of the relatively unknown sounds of TOTEM with their sultry tune “In and Out.” While “Rich Girl” isn’t a far departure stylistically from their first release, it’s equally impressive. Once again we find lyrics from this 26 year old masked marauder of a lead singer dripping with sensuality. The focus is entirely on the vocalists voice, with the instrumentation only playing a part in accentuating his lovely tone and marvelous range.

While we wish we had more information for you, we regrettably do not. Not because of the fact that we didn’t do our homework, but simply because someone on his/their team is playing up the mystery, and we’ve taken the bait full on.

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