I suppose this song matches the way your head feels when you meander into morning after a sleepless night. Thoughts are hazy and muddled. Your whole alignment is slightly off. “Horizon,” written and recorded by Taken by Trees for their upcoming sophomore album Other Worlds, is sprinkled with psychedelic off-pitches which clamor and reverberate around your head as if they are bouncing off the walls at the bottom of a wishing well. Get it together, ninjas. Victoria Bergsman is knocking. And she’s brought new music (since leaving The Concretes in 2006, she’s released albums under the Taken By Trees moniker; her last album was 2009’s East of Eden). Enjoy! And don’t forget to check out these other recently released tracks: “Large” and “Dreams“.
Remember! Other Worlds comes out October 2nd via Secretly Canadian. It’ll be a hoot.