Leave it to Kanye West to premiere his new single in the most elaborate and impractical way possible. In preparation of his upcoming performance tomorrow night on Saturday Night Live, Kanye decided to project his image across 66 random buildings across the globe, (Could you imagine how freaky it would be to see Yeezy’s face right outside your window?) Upon first listen it seems as if Ye’s continuing the trend of his past few releases, venturing down an even darker path sonically than ever before. Despite all of the theatrics, Kanye’s newest track comes bearing a message, relating the widespread obsession with designer brands to being a new form of slavery. I wouldn’t say it’s Kanye’s best work lyrically, but it’s clear he definitely has the creative juices flowing. We’re certainly looking forward to seeing what Yeezy has in store for us on Saturday night, and hope to learn more about the album before it purportedly drops on June 18th.