Oh snap, ninjas! It’s time for a TMN hosted remix competition. This time around we’re pleased to present you with a chance to flex your creative muscles by remixing the Hypem dominating track “Congo” from Vancouver based Bear Mountain.
So, what’s in it for you, you ask? Well aside from the sense of satisfaction of defeating fellow producers, you’ll also receive these fabulous prizes: a Bear Mountain t-shirt, CD of their album “XO”, and 2 tickets to any Bear Mountain show of your choice (excluding festivals). They’ll also repost your remix on their Soundcloud page and blast it out on their social media outlets. On top of all of that, we’ll also feature it here on TMN.
Submissions will be taken until August 15th, but make sure to get yours in before you forget! You can even submit right below these very words, or you can just click here.
Click this link to download the stems, and get going!