Crossroads (feat. Mark Asari)
When house gets acoustic, we get delighted. It doesn’t have to be all acoustic, but tossing in some elements is almost always a good idea. It certainly was a good idea for “Crossroads” a single by calper featuring Mark Asari that was released through Let Me Hear It.
From the get go “Crossroads” is a fun track. It wastes no time jumping into the heat of things with Mark Asari’s amazing voice. Mark is one hell of a singer; all you need is to hear one word of his performance in this song to realize that. The other talent, calper, is as impressive, creating this record to near perfection, if not reaching it fully. The instrumental is lively and charming, to say the least. “Crossroads” is one of the better house tunes of the year. Don’t miss out on this one and don’t let your friends either. Get your copy today.