Satoshi Nakamoto (Psymbionic Remix) ft. Adrian Lau & ProbCause
Gramatik has been a driving force behind the rising popularity of so-called genres like future funk and electro soul in the past few years. As the head of Lowtemp Music he offers a platform for any artist to release music, and on his 2016 album “Epigram” his futuristic, synth-laden, funkadelic sound continued to evolve. Psymbionic is an extremely talented producer who has risen to popularity in the wide swatch of new sonic ground which Gramatik and others helped to break. Although he explicitly steers clear of genre classifications, Psymbionic produces a strain of futuristic funk akin to the material on “Epigram”, so we were stoked hear of his new remix of Gramatik’s “Satoshi Nakamoto”.
Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoins, and Gramatik maintains a thorough interest in tech frontiers. Fittingly, the thematic material in this tune matches the motif of Psymbionic’s current “Biohackers” U.S. tour. As for how the remix sounds, Psymbionic has preserved the most endearing elements of Gramaitk’s sample-collage style, while adding his own razor-sharp basslines and stabbing synthesizers to create a clever new arrangement. As technology continues to pervade every aspect of our lives, banging remixes like this – constructed with the finest musical technology and commenting on technological frontiers like the bitcoin era and “crypto currency” – are tunes to be treasured.