One of the biggest shocks to our system has got to be coming down from a wonderful, relaxing 3 day weekend. The more time we have to relax and forget about the reality ahead, the harder it is to get ourselves back into the grind. So what we need to do is remind each other to focus our thoughts on the silver linings hidden in the “going back to work” cloud. And while we know it can be a difficult ride, we’ll be more than happy to start you off on the positive thought train with the first silver sparkle we see. #1 We have a short week ahead. Our weekend countdown clocks have already swam passed the 24 hours of a dreadful Monday without us watching every tick, so that’s pretty awesome. And #2, we rolled right into the Tuesday Indie Dojo without a glitch. We think thats a pretty good start on the track, but it’s up to you to keep that positivity chuggin”…
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