Petals (feat. Scenic)
You know those tracks where you don’t even need to listen for a full 5 seconds before knowing it’s going to be amazing? That slight feeling of adrenaline rushing through you as you anticipate what’s going to come next, knowing that it’s only going to keep getting better? Well, that’s exactly the sensation we felt when we pressed play on Basenji‘s latest release.
“Petals” beckons your ears with the soothing effect of Scenic‘s voice over a combination of a relaxed beat and a mellifluous melody. While each layer of the song is modest in sound, the simplicities found in the textures are blended so perfectly together that they yield a product that is both delicate and striking.
The tune reminds us that it is not always about having the most intricacy and detail in order to be appealing. On the contrary, the most uncomplicated of songs, many times, are the ones we consider most beautiful and respectable. It is nearly impossible not to admire Basenji. He has acquired the skill to produce music that is stunning, yet is made up by such simple parts, an ability more impressive than most.
Listen to the single above, and after you’re done, make sure to grab a copy for yourself from iTunes.