I still consider myself relatively new to writing and having a music blog and The Music Ninja keeps evolving and changing according to the incredible people that keep emailing me with their recommendations and promotions. Unfortunately, due to the little exposure I have had in Metal music, I deleted the metal category on this website and in its place I am opening the “Folk” Category that is partly inspired by listening to the “Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros” new album.
The very first song from their album “Up From Below” titled “40 Day Dream” completely left me speechless. To describe it first you have to understand their unique style as this is a 11is-12 member band. Songs are rock influenced with distingushible folk styles and full of big open-hearted anthems and incredible back up choruses. The lead singer Alex Ebert, who apart from looking like Jesus Himself, is able to glide through each song with his warm and soothing predominantly folky voice that even reminds me of Bob Shane from the Kingston Trio. Their single “40 Day Dream” is very uplifting, just perfect for waking up every morning with its clapping and thumping crescendos, long and sustained violin notes and a playful piano that will definitely get you out of bed in a good mood.
There is definitely something magical and inspiring when listening to ES&MZ because of how cheerful the songs become when you have a relatively large number of band members singing, clapping and even whistling along. “Home” another favorite of mine, is a witty, sharp, and sweet song where Jade joins Alex in a short battle of interchangeble verses that ultimately leads them to join forces with the rest of the band as they sing away the choruses. Seeing them live must be insanely awesome!
Folk-rock is definitely a genre I have not explored too well over the years but thanks to Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros I can definitely add folk-rock to my favorite genres.
Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros – 40 Day Dream
Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros – Home