Where I Wanna Be
With only a smattering of singles to their name, the globe spanning trio founded in New Jersey known simply as A R I Z O N A wields a sonic fluency far beyond what their modest catalog would indicate. Taking much of their direction under the guise of pop structuring, A R I Z O N A have been measurably successful adding touches of soul, R&B, rock and disco groove into their evolving aesthetic, and latest single “Where I Wanna Be” marks another foot forward in their short sonic evolution. “Where I Wanna Be” pushes off with a four-four kick drum, bent guitar loop and the kind of vocal pitching that would make Sir Kanye tip his hat in approval before a buttery vocal track takes a welcome hold of the entire tune. If it wasn’t for Zach Hannah’s lush vocal we may have missed the rest of A R I Z O N A’s careful instrumentation, but we couldn’t help but get swept up in their carefully layered synth work which almost steal’s back the spotlight. There are a number of reasons to fall in love with this one, and while we only had time to delve into a few, we suggest you take the reigns and let A R I Z O N A sink their hooks into your listening rotation today. Stream “Where I Wanna Be” above.