At this point, there shouldn’t be any doubt in anyone’s mind that Denver’s music scene is alive, bustling, and showing the rest of the country that it can go toe to toe with any other major musical city. Obvious identifiers aside (Red Rocks, Beta Nightclub, The UMS), smaller showcases like this help shine the spotlight on this ever-growing scene.
If you’re not familiar with Red Bull Sound Select just yet, now is your time to brush up. It’s a concert series that is curated across multiple major cities (Nashville, Portland, Philly, etc), and it focuses on bringing in local promoters to help craft shows that highlight national and local talent alike.
Denver’s own DJ Low key of The Meadowlark’s weekly parties, The Solution and Goodness, has his hands on this show in particular, and has brought in Chicago sensation Towkio, as well as Houston-based Fat Tony, and local acts F.L. and CRL CRRLL (who happens to be one of our fav Denver musicians.)
It’s being held at The Moon Room at Summit Hall, on August 22, which will provide an intimate, yet rowdy setting. You can RSVP here, but make sure to show up early. RSVP’ing is not a guarantee for entry, but it does promise $3 entry, if you’re there in time.
As an added bonus to getting there early, the first 100 people will be getting free drinks. If that doesn’t motivate you, we don’t know what will.