Take It
This Yorkshire-based rock outfit is looking to capture the nostalgic post-punk fans around the globe, and they’re doing it in a way that will also garner an appreciative nod from the greener fans within the massive, blanketing term of “alternative rock.”
Heavily rooted in lyrical craft, FANS touch on popular aspects of social commentary, without overwhelming listeners in their message. There’s a certain artful dexterity in the songwriting that latches listeners in, encouraging them to not only appreciate the lyrics but appreciate the song as a whole. “Take It” will take older listeners back, finding themselves in a sea of familiarity with grainy, yet powerful vocals. Accompanied by distorted guitar hooks, a steady bassline, and the steady interchange of snare and kick, it envelopes listeners with ease, easily obtaining undivided attention.
Find this tune, as well as a few others, on their upcoming debut EP, out September 4th. Follow them on facebook to make sure you pick it up as soon as it’s available.