Next Lifetime
With a veritable slew of carefully crafted, tasteful dance music released just in the last year, it’s pretty easy to see why Kayper has garnered artist support from the likes of The Magician and Blonde, and become one of the hottest properties in club land in the process. We last checked in with the London-bred house slinger on the heels of her Terminal EP released on the rapidly ascending Eton Messy Records, and today she’s back with brand new single “Next Lifetime”. A remix of sorts of Erykah Badu’s congruently named single, “Next Lifetime” rolls out to a spacy trot before delving into a chunky yet meticulous groove that’s been earwormed to us since first listen. It’s not every day a turntablist who’s been in the game over 5 years (check out some of her oldest mixes if you haven’t yet) successfully transitions into full-blown artist with such grace and fluidity, but we’ve quickly learned Kayper may be the exception to many a rule.
About Kayper’s newest record, she remarks: “I heard someone playing Erykah Badu’s “Next Lifetime” in their car at the traffic lights while I was driving through Brixton one day and it reminded me of how much I loved that track and her first album which is what inspired me to do my own updated version as a tribute to one of my favorite artists.” It’s safe to say we think she made a great choice in carrying out this latest tune. Stream Kayper’s “Next Lifetime” above.