Need something laid-back to get you over the hump? Lazyboy Empire has got you covered with the new single “Vampire.” It’s actually the act’s first and only track on Soundcloud at the moment. With the lyrical content and the quality of the production, it’s safe to say this is one of the coolest, and most intriguing Halloween tracks. It’s definitely not what you’d expect, but the soft indie dance style is immaculate. Fans of saxophone will be especially keen on this record, as Lazyboy Empire doesn’t disappoint with showing off the skills with the sexy instrument. With the launch of the project being already so successful, it has us wondering just what ammunition is waiting to be unleashed in the future. Lazyboy Empire is an act to keep a sharp eye on as their sound caters to so many diverse groups of people. “Vampire” is a monster you want to be taken over by, so get to streaming, or buy this one on iTunes.