Mesa Luna – Waster (Noble Oak Remix)
There’s nothing quite as important as the perfect music to start Monday morning off to. Well, coffee is certainly up there too, but that’s almost a given. The first day of the work week is usually an arduous battle in your mind to come to grips that you can’t do whatever you feel like anymore and that you have five days of commitments ahead. That’s where Torontonian producer Noble Oak comes in to lend a helping hand.
Taking a crack at fellow countrymen Mesa Luna, this often dreamy electronic musician has put his spin on “Waster.” Instantly soothing the listener within seconds of starting, this wandering remix welcomes the listener in with a warm, enveloping experience. The soundscape is rich and luscious, showcasing layer on layer of etheral synths, soft, atmospheric elements, and Mesa Luna’s calming vocals. It’s the perfect soundtrack for you to take a step back from work, close your eyes, and get lost, even if it’s only for a few brief minutes.
When asked about this remix in particular, Noble Oak had this to say: