Music like what we have for you here is what originally got me into this music industry. Since then there has been a massive branching out, but there will always be a special place for crazy, in your face tracks like what can be found on Brig‘s Vanilla Sky EP. The thing I love about Brig is he takes his sound up and down the tempo scale to give listeners a different pace to dance to, but he always brings a ton of energy. He delivers two 128 tracks, including the title single which may just break your speaker system. Lovers of dubstep will absolutely love the paired “Bottle Of Rum” tracks that bring in a little cut time action to an otherwise fast-paced collection of records. For me, because I love the 108-112 range so much, the closing single “Megalomania” is my favorite. I thought the other tracks were hardcore, but this one is pure savagery. If Vanilla Sky is up your alley, make sure to head over to iTunes to get a copy.