Over Soon (Super Duper Remix)
Whenever a highly anticipated album drops, you can always expect a slew of unofficial edits and remixes to begin showing up within the first week or so of the release. What you don’t always expect, however, is that many of these will actually be quality releases instead of simply a chance to capitalize on SEO. Super Duper is here to put any and all notion of that mess to bed with an absolutely stunning edit of 22, A Million‘s first track, “22 (OVER S∞∞N)”.
This remix may seem on the shorter side (clocking in at a concise 2:28), but it’s calculated build to final minute sets the stage for an incredible resolution and rendition of an incredible song. Having the foresight to instantaneously create such a stark production speaks to the capability and innovation of Super Duper, and, luckily for us, he’s got plenty of new music on the way. What’s wild is this edit was JUST FOR FUN. However you choose to approach unofficial remixes, always know that there will be diamonds in the rough, and Super Duper is certainly proving that notion right while doing the original justice with a powerful and striking interpretation. Be sure to check out Super Duper’s recent original, “Angela“, also!