Midnight (Carneyval Remix)
Whether you like their music or not, there is no denying that Coldplay has one of the most dynamic sounds in the mainstream music arena today. No two songs are alike and Chris Martin is like the male Ellie Goulding. Therefore, it’s easy to see why every one is eager is to not only seek musical influence from the juggernauts but also feed off their creativity with their own pieces. Take Carneyval’s remix of “Midnight” for example. By reading the title, you may think the budding New Orleans soundscaper simply reworked a melody or two and called it his own and that is where you are wrong. Carneyval, quite a musician himself, wrote and performed the melodies you hear above on his own piano as well as every other component of the track as well. Yes, that is original saxophone we are hearing as well. The only Coldplay in this song is Martin’s vocals, a true remix.