Tag Archives: emlyn

[MP3 Playlist] Indie Dojo (December 2015 Round #3)


It’s the holidays! We’re supposed to be full of love and joy and gratefulness. BUT THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO and in so little time that we find ourselves swirling around in bah humbugs and stress-ridden shopping. And in the snap of a finger, it’s all over. NOTHING worth stressing over, that’s for sure. So let’s do us all a favor and remind each other to take a step back from the hectic, consumer-ridden craze and enjoy the moments we are able to spend with those closest to our hearts. Money can’t buy us love, but kicking back with our favorite people while listening to a free Indie Dojo…priceless.

’Purrple – Tart’
’Neighbour – Time & Money’
’Deaths – Mute Kids’
’Babbit – Painting Greys’
’Emlyn – Safety Glass’
’Wolf Prize – Come Home’
’Ella Metherell – Blasé’
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