Tag Archives: fcpremix

[Drumstep] The Fall of Troy – FCPREMIX (Atrasolis Remix)

I love FCPREMIX. First hearing the song back in 2005 as a freshman in high school, I was intent on learning the guitar, in part due to wanting to play this song. Post-hardcore band Fall of Troy gained mainstream success from this track, as it was featured in video games like Guitar Hero III (much harder to play on Guitar Hero than the actual guitar ironically).

Miami based producer Atrasolis modernizes the track for current electronic tastes. At times, there’s almost too much going on for me too handle, but that doesn’t stop my head from going with the beat. His build ups at the end of each verse are high octane and effervescent; I’m all sorts of riled up by the time it drops. Although the song is “old,” Atrasolis’s take on FCPREMIX is refreshing. Throw it in a DJ set, workout mix, or on shuffle in the car- this song does work.

Download for free here

’The Fall of Troy – FCPREMIX (Atrasolis Remix)’
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