Found Your Love (Two Can Remix)
For those of you who are unaware of the Australian duo of brothers called Two Can, you’re in luck. Even if you already are familiar with these talented family members, your luck is just as good, because we recently caught up with them for a quick Q&A as they released their official remix for Oliver Nelson. Two Can took on “Found Your Love,” a 2015 single that features musical act Heir. With Two Can’s revamp they chilled out the upbeat original with more deep sensibilities, making it a laid-back club-friendly record.
While you lend your ears to their emotional take on “Found Your Love,” you can find out a little about the Two Can project. The brothers entered the dojo to answer a few questions regarding themselves, their home country, along with what else we are getting from them this year.
TMN: For people who don’t know you, how would you describe your sound?
Two Can: Thats a question we get asked a fair bit actually! Its always rather tough too pin point it as we try too incorporate many elements of music and synthesis / sound design in our music. Basically how our process works when writing is we start 90% of our tracks with live instruments. We are musicians first, so we try too ad as many live elements we can into our music as we can. A lot of the time, for remixes etc, we will get an acapella and have a jam over the acapella playing some riffs and chords on guitar too get a gist of key and melodic elements which may work well with the song. Basically we would describe our sound as live electronica.
TMN: How is it working in a duo as brothers?
TMN: What track is each of your favorite that you have made?
Two Can: Myles’ favorite track is ‘Fire’ because it was the first real song that really got people listening too our music. Oscar’s favorite is ‘Your Girl’ as he wrote a lot of the melodic side of the song, and put a lot of heart into it.
TMN: Has being from Australia influenced your sound? How?
TMN: What can we expect from Two Can in 2016?
Two Can: We have ALOT of unreleased original content and a few big remix opportunities which have recently got approved so our priority is too share our new music with you! We are also speaking too our European agents at the moment about a tour in June/July, doing some soft ticketed shows and a support tour with one of the electronic acts on the roster at United Talent (previously The Agency Group). We spent a lot of 2015 discovering our sound and now we have found it and are at a point where we are extremely proud with it.