Tag Archives: george taylor uk

[MP3 Playlist] Indie Dojo (November 2015 Round #2)


It’s possible to be embarrassed with our certain music choices at times. We all have that one song or many that we jam on full blast when we are alone in our car. You know the one. You know you do. But really, why do we care what other people think of our choices in music? If we like it, we like it. If it moves us, it moves us. We should be proud of what makes our musical soul dance. So jam on, ninja! No matter how cheesy or just plain bad it is. A ninja should have no shame in their musical game.

’Algoas – “1981”‘
’George Taylor UK – Give It Up’
’Side Saddle – Should’ve Gotten Done’
’Mcclain Sullivan – Happy Anniversary (explicit)’
’Many Rooms – Hollow Body’
’Growling Tongue – Are You For Real’
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