Tag Archives: industrial

[Experimental] Arca – Urchin


As we sit here writing this post and listen to Arca’s newest track release, “Urchin”, we’re sort of frightened. For us this isn’t a new feeling when listening to the London-based gender neutral producer’s music in the night, but it is one that we welcome. Arca reminds us that there is beauty in ambiguity and darkness—the feelings many of their tracks leave us with.

After a critically acclaimed EP release with Mutant, we were really happy to see that they’d released another track so soon. After listening to “Urchin” we understand why this one came separately from the epic EP, however. This track embodies an industrially ambient density unlike any of their tracks from the unleashed Mutant, and that was made apparent upon the first listen. Retaining their quintessential qualities of stop-motion aesthetic synths, Arca creates an unprecedented low-end depth in this new track. Please keep releasing like wildfire. We can’t get enough.

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