To go along with today’s release of Nothing Was The Same, Drake brings us a theatrical music video for one of the more talked about tracks on the project. The visuals for “Hold On We’re Going Home” are set in a 1985 Miami around Drizzy’s fictional crew, which includes A$AP Rocky, who are young entrepreneurs of some kind. The narrative takes a dark turn when Drake’s lady is kidnapped by a rival, senior crime lord.
As the song starts to play, Drake and crew gear up for what becomes an action-packed scene attempting to rescue his damsel in distress. I must say, watching Aubrey Graham taking out bad guys makes for a pretty entertaining 7 minutes. Check out the video below to see if Double-0-Drake succeeds in his mission and grab the album here if you’re feeling it.
Drake ~ Hold On We’re Going Home from OctobersVeryOwn on Vimeo.