Tag Archives: nottamun town

[House] Listenbee – Nottamun Town (LondonBridge Remix)

Nottamun Town (LondonBridge Remix)

It’s Sunday, otherwise known as the day of relaxation, at least for those of us who have had quite our share of activities and work for the week. Luckily we stumbled upon LondonBridge’s remix of Listenbee’sNottamun Town,” a tune seemingly made for Sundays as it delivers mellowness mixed with just the right amount of energy to get you prepared for Monday’s chaos. Londonbridge transforms an easy going, instrumental-infused original into a cool down-tempo house jam with an irresistibly catchy beat and melody. Whether you are in relaxation mode or it’s-not-even-Monday-and-I-already-have-100-emails-to-answer mode, this track will put your mind in the place it needs to be.

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