Anytime a rapper uses a sample from Adele I’m usually hooked instantaneously (see: Lil Wayne – Rolling in the Deep). Shwayze, ready to drop the fourth full length album (W)e (E)volve (E)very (D)ay, tickles my Adele fancy once again by using the voluptuous beauty’s He Won’t Go to tell his side of the sad tale in I Won’t Go.
Proudly from the 310, Malibu to be exact, Shwayze is no stranger to addictive melodies that are more times than not orchestrated by his co-pilot in debauchery, Cisco Adler. And despite Adler being a notorious douche, the dude can produce.
Most MTV-style music duos, such as this one, typically make me snarky and negative, but I can’t deny the easiness that Shwayze flows over beats. Most tracks I’ve listened to from Shwayze, since hitting the scene in 2008, have been mostly non-impressive, but like previously stated, rappers using anything Adele greatly perks my interest. And this I Won’t Go mix reaffirms that and my love for that big boned beauty.
Considering the track record, I wouldn’t expect true hip-hop heads to give too many props, but hopefully Shwayze can build on the momentum this track brings. We shall see. Until then keep up with updates on Shwayze.com.
Shwayze – I Wont Go (Ft. Adele)
’Shwayze – I Wont Go (Ft. Adele).mp3′
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