Hello Ninjas! I just wanted to take a break from our usual posts to say something that means a lot to me. The Music Ninja turned 6 years old this year and while we may already be potty trained (with a few accidents here and there), we know there is so much more room to grow and mature as a music loving publication.
However, early on in Music Ninja history, Clayton Warwick came along. It was immediately apparent the kind of impact Clayton would have, not just on the site, but on my life as well. Through pure love for music and making fun of the state of the music industry on a daily basis, a friendship was born and partnership came next. His enthusiasm for the music scene, our own ninja team and all the things that come with it seems to grow even more on a regular basis. I am incredibly proud and honored, both personally and professionally, to also have him in my life on a regular basis and I know everyone in our team feels the same way. Today we celebrate Clayton’s five-year anniversary at The Music Ninja. Five years of writing genuine and thorough posts, thoughtful no BS interviews and mentoring every new writer. Five years of fighting when things have been tough and five years of celebrating every single accomplishment. Thank you Clay, for all that you do. I love you.
If you have a minute today, let’s blow him up on twitter (or facebook) and congratulate him on five fantastic years and many more to come.