Back in April we had a chance to feature a piece of the club-ready sound evolution of London based electronic savant Digital Farm Animals on his single “True”, and judging from our review, we’ve been completely enamored with the savvy producer’s directional shift. Today, Digital Farm Animals has released a debut visual piece in the form of “True”‘s official music video, and its visual aesthetic works just brilliantly with his synthetic sonority. From the video’s protagonists pulling heists in pig masks (see DFA’s above logo) to the actual levity portrayed through wolf-cops; there’s a certain playfulness underlying a very serious tonality that echoes DFA’s simple, yet layered and complex instrumentation. Nick Gale’s DFA project has certainly come a long way since its earliest rumblings, and seeing everything come full circle and begin to take shape in the form of a complete concept is like a music writer’s dream. But, as we can’t do the video justice with words, we’ll go ahead and leave it right here for our Ninjas to enjoy.