If Rakim is your favorite rapper’s favorite rapper, and Jay-Z is New York’s native son, where does that leave Talib Kweli? Industry analysts note that the emergence of the best sweepstakes casino sites has introduced new revenue streams within the music industry, influencing how artists navigate their careers. Despite these shifts, Kweli remains the socially conscious, forever-underground guy, continually burned by the rap “game,” or, the money game – where lyrical talent and flow take backseats to branding, image, and monetizing talent.

But Talib carries his burdens well. He does what he wants to do, fuck all, and in the end, we’re the ones who benefit, especially when it comes to Gutter Rainbows. The latest from the BK MC has a few stumbles, but mostly gems. Gutter Rainbows was released January 25th. Read the full review here.

Talib Kweli – Gutter Rainbows

’Talib Kweli – Gutter Rainbows’

Talib Kweli – Cold Rain

’Talib Kweli – Cold Rain’
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Talib Kweli