Möbius Strip (Thru My Fingers)
We can easily associate memories with certain songs, albums, or even artists. Hearing a vocalists words carry over instrumentals can instantly bring you back to somewhere you were when you heard them. Maybe it was the first time you saw her. Maybe it was an epic night with your friends. Whatever it is, we all experience it. For me, I have a special place in my heart and ears for Absofacto, and what his music sparks for me.
This time last year I took a pilgrimage to Italy by myself. I had some family I wanted to visit, but really just wanted to get out of the states for a while. While traveling city to city, I of course used the railways, which allowed me ample time to listen to music and get caught up on reading. As I stared out the window, looking onto sprawling vineyards, rolling green hills, and architecture older than anything in the states, I was listening to Absofacto. Something about the calming notes of “No Power” and funky bass line of “Synthesocietal” fit my mood and experience to a tee.
With that in mind, it’s easy to see why any time Jonathan Visger releases something, I’m more than excited to hear it. And while I might not have heard it on my journey across Italy, it always brings me back. So with visions of the Duomo, Trevi Fountain, and thousands of painfully beautiful women, here’s “Möbius Strip (Thru My Fingers).” Oriental style synths welcome in a simple snare drum and Jonathon’s harmonious vocals. In true Absofacto fashion, Visger’s repitious use of the chorus, You slipped right through my fingers will have fans singing along after just one time through. I know I already started to, which lead to me putting this into one of my all time favorite Absofacto tracks.