Organised Scum
Unborn Cars

“Unborn Cars” has an intrinsic attraction to it, one which feels warmly nostalgic. Not that I’d directly compare it to tracks from artists who managed churned out chart-toppers, but I can’t help but feel this strange connection to time-honored acts like The Cars or Devo.

Coming your way via London, Organised Scum is comprised of Tom Duggins (Vocals, Guitar), Tom Williams (Bass) and Sean Canty (Drums). After gaining a fair amount of attention with their debut EP, back in 2016, they’re back with this fresh offering.

I also wrote this track thinking of my niece – who’d just turned two at the time. She was starting to talk properly and the phrase ‘we can understand what you’re saying’ was going through my head. I realized how incredible even the simplest acts of communication are, and how we take this stuff for granted, especially nowadays when we’re in constant contact with everyone and everything. – Tom Duggins

“Unborn Cars” dropped via Soundcloud and Spotify a few weeks back, but today, I’m bringing you a first look at visual representation of the track. Featuring the robotic arm from their cover art, laid over scenic mountain views, and a spattering of lyrics to help you sing along, it’s definitely as unique and quirky as the track itself.

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