Tag Archives: Comercial

Los Amigos Invisibles – Comercial


Los Amigos Invisibles’ from my hometown Caracas, Venezuela, will be releasing their sixth studio album Commercial, which will be available exclusively at iTunes on May 26th and in stores June 9. Starting with lead single, “Mentiras,” (which has been number one in Venezuela for some time now) the multiple Grammy-nominated group have tightened their hooks and focused their songs, recording their most accessible work yet.
Since their first album in 1995, Los Amigos Invisibles have developed a sound based in the gozadera, an irresistible fusion of Latin rhythms with fiery funk and lounge music.

Los Amigos Invisibles moved to New York City from their hometown of Caracas, Venezuela in 2001 and entrenched itself in the local scene. Los Amigos were able to establish themselves in the dance music scene and expand their sound. While raking in Grammy nominations year after year and performing on programs like the Jimmy Kimmel Show, the group has continued to expand touring across the country.

lai_coverloresTo fans of their music, Commercial still portrays their lyrically sarcastic humorous songs with the upbeat funk we have come to love. Starting with the song “Mentiras” (“Lies” in Spanish) is about a guy explaining to his girlfriend/wife that he wouldn’t dare be with other women and that all the rumors she hears about him are just a bunch of lies… or are they? In their Official Music video for “Mentiras” you will find the truth. Los Amigos Invisibles always try to incorporate different styles of music than their typical funk/rock. In their song “Plastic Woman” they lean more towards their electronic side using voice synthesizers for some of the choruses, on “Merengue Killer” they go experimental using a heavy distorted guitar accompanied by a fast paste meregue beat, only something Los Amigos Invisibles can pull off.

My favorite song from the albums comes right at track 3 titled “Vivire para ti”. A down to earth, slow and funky romantic song expressing, very sincerely to his loved one, how he would “live for you” which is the translations to the songs title.

Mentiras – Los Amigos Invisibles


Official Music Video For Mentiras

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