Come Back To Me
Brought to us by the eclectic Ivory Oasis, soundcloud listeners were recently graced with the latest iteration of the “future” sound. Building on the sonic DNA of contemporary French artists like Darius, Rusty Hook, and Chahine, the newest producer to the landscape, Egoh, has released his best tune yet.
In Come Back to Me, listeners are presented with a textbook take on the slow building, synth-heavy, summery vibes that have made this type of music so popular. With only sparse, abstract vocalizations, Come Back to Me succeeds almost exclusive on the strength of its foot-tapping percussions and rhythmic beat structure. Aside from a brief electric guitar bridge at the 1:45 mark, the song does not waver from its 16 bar pattern – which could be listened to for ten minutes straight if so desired.
Stay tuned to see what Egoh has in store for the summer season; listeners can keep track of his progress here.