Racing Glaciers
Moths (Carousel Remix)

It’s been a bit since we’ve had the pleasure of featuring our favorite synth-heavy happy-dance duo in the music landscape, L.A. based Carousel, and that is quite a shame as their sophisticated brand of electronica always seems to pull a warm smile from most of our staff here at TMN. This morning, much to our delight, Carousel unveiled their latest addition to the remix pool; molding Brit Racing Glaciers’ slightly folky ballad into a whirlwind of atmospheric MIDI jabs and sunny, playful percussion. The pair’s slick instrumentation jives wonderfully with Tim Monaghan’s original vocal track, inspiring some desirable visions of the impending Spring and Summer seasons. Quite honestly we’ve just been looping this tune on repeat (wishing we were beach side with one of those fruity umbrella drinks) since our first listen and their pristine sound never once let its grasp loosen from our ears. Carousel’s remix comes as part of Racing Glaciers’ forthcoming Moths EP which can be purchased here, but for the stream-only type, do yourself a favor by hitting the play button, slinking back and unwinding after your long day.

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