Opus Orange

It’s been a little over two years since we covered fresh new tunes from Santa Monica-based Opus Orange, which leaves us with this question: what the hell were we doing since then? This band has churned out some great music during our lapse, and somehow we missed the boat. Luckily, we found our orange colored glasses and are currently rocking them as we write this post.

“Anatomic” is the title track from this ever-evolving group, which can include one or more of the following at any given point: Lauren Hillman, Bernard Chadwick, James Neil, Piper Denney, Carlen Walth, Katie Hampton, Jo Pusateri, Rachel Chadwick, and Paul Bessenbacher. You can expect a healthy dosage of head-nodding goodness from today’s premiere, provided by the combination of driving percussion and a big, buzzing bassline. Accompanying those are some reverberating synths, frenetic guitar riffs, and delightfully distressed vocals which all come together in an extremely memorable experience.

If you’re one of our ninjas in SoCal, head out to their free EP release show tonight in Pasadena! You can find all the necessary details here.

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