BeeHive (Out Now)
Only a few days ago, rising bass aficionado, JayKode, released massive track, “BeeHive,” via Buygore. The piece is an elaborate scheme of electronic and live instrumentals that create a sound he labels as “classical bass.” You can hear JayKode demonstrating his mastery of both the piano and guitar, as well as production through out the track.
After having a listen of “BeeHive,” TMN was eager to get to know the producer behind the intense and intricately structured tune.
TMN: Many who listen to your music may be unaware that you’re not only a producer, but additionally, a classically trained musician. What made you decide to create electronic music?
JayKode: It’s been a long and interesting journey. I’ve been doing music almost my whole life. Like you mentioned, I started playing the piano when I was 7, then picked up the guitar when I was 13. Ever since then, I told myself that my number 1 goal in life would be to get my music out there to the world. Back then, I was heavy into the hardcore and metal scene but as I was growing out of it, I started getting into electronic music because all my friends were listening to it. This is back in 2007/2008, so the music was very different compared to how it is now but there was this energy and heaviness that really appealed to me. It was actually very similar to metal as far as composition, build-ups, drops/breakdowns, etc…Once I discovered Wolfgang Gartner, who is still one of my biggest inspirations to this day, I realized that I can actually use my classical skills and guitar skills and combine them to make some really dope electronic music. I feel like he was one of the first to really break that barrier by combining extremely melodic/classical elements with super distorted basslines and I immediately fell in love with his music because of that. That’s really when I embarked on this journey.
TMN: Would you consider electronic music the most predominant genre in CA at this time?
JayKode: I think so. I mean hip-hop is still a very big part of California, and more specifically Los Angeles, culture but I don’t think it’s bigger than electronic music. I know this is an overused example, but look at the Sahara tent at Coachella. Every year they put more and more emphasis on that stage and it keeps getting bigger and crazier with each festival. Sometimes it’s even more crowded than the main stage. It’s also mostly what you hear on the radio nowadays as well. Whether we want to accept it or not, the boundaries between pop and electronic music are becoming almost non-existent at this point. Mainstream pop nowadays IS mostly electronic music.
Read the rest of our interview with JayKode after the jump!