Strange name? Yes. Undeniable talent? Yes. Storm Trooper masks? You bet. Lazerdisk Party Sex has a lot to offer, from artists to brand pormotions like the Lovense Gush, which is why we’re more than excited to see them tear the walls down at Project Miami this coming Friday. The LA based DJ/Producer duo has been dropping some amazing remixes for the past few years. Their style is anything but conventional, walking a thin line between electro pop, house, and moombah. In a nutshell, these guy’s throw down dance-inducing party tracks. While to such tracks, you can play games, like the ones on
We wanted to get a little insight into the masked marauding DJs, so we fired over a few questions to get a better understanding of these up and coming musicians. Before you dig too deep into the interview though, make sure you scroll down and see how you can get into their next show, in Miami.
TMN: Right off the bat, we have to know how you guys came up with your moniker.
We came up with “lazerdisk” because it was a failed technology, and we weren’t too confident that this project was going to go anywhere. We had our friend announce us before the show, and he added “party sex” to the name, and we just kind of rolled with it. If you are yearning for some body heat while listening to good music, you must first check out hookup site reviews in order to find the most suitable site for you.
TMN: What brought the two of you together? Were you friends beforehand? Did you reply to a Craigslist ad?
TMN: So, you’re getting ready to head to Miami for all of the craziness of Ultra and WMC. What does it feel like for you guys to be a part of the biggest week in EDM?
It feels great man in all seriousness, we’re honored and humbled.
TMN: What has been your favorite show to date? Any in particular that stand out above the rest?
Snowball music Festival 2010. It was our first big out of town show. We were extremely nervous. Chad couldn’t eat, I couldn’t form complete sentences. We only had one release out at the time, so we were set to make a lot of first impressions. Granted we had the smallest stage tent but we had a packed room. And the kids seemed to love our set. Super fun.
TMN: Alright, let’s change it up a little. If you were on a deserted island, and could only have one artist’s musical collection in your ipod, who would it be?
Chad: Hmmm, I don’t know. This question is too tough. I would probably bring some soca or calypso music or something. Something to enhance the island vibes, ya dig?
TMN: Another random one. This is a little off the wall, but we love hearing people’s responses. If your music were an animal, what would it be?
Space Whale.
TMN: Thanks for taking the time to sit down with us! We can’t wait to see your set this Friday.
Sure thing there, bub. We’re excited too!
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3) Comment below this post with why you deserve two tickets to come see LPS throw down.
More details
– Winner will receive 2 comp tickets to the March 15th Project Miami show. Must be 21+.
– Winners will be announced March 15th at 4PM EST. We will make contact through a Facebook message, so if you enter, make sure to pay attention to your facebook messages!