My Love (feat. Aybe) (Original Mix)
Today is Valentine’s Day if the mass amount of advertising didn’t make you aware already. To honor this holiday we’ve partnered up with Warpaint Records‘ FOMO to premiere the single “My Love” with Aybe. Share it with your loved one while you celebrate today. More importantly, take it with you in the future to help show your love on any given day.
“My Love” is an inspiring tune if you don’t happen to fall in the category of people with a significant other. After going through a break-up himself, FOMO ended up finding love again and created this song as a token of gratitude to the realization that there is indeed a soul out there meant for you. Besides being a deeply emotional song, it’s a really amazing tune even if you’re just looking to dance. FOMO and Aybe make quite the pair and we’re glad they came together on this special song. Download it today for free.